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The Video Editor UI is built using web components, making it embeddable into any website created with various libraries, including React, Angular, Vue, PHP, or plain HTML.


<script type="module">
  import { defineCustomElements } from "";



Get a Free License

You can obtain a license by visiting our website. Replace YOUR_LICENSE_NAME and YOUR_LICENSE_KEY with your actual license information.

Get a Pexels API Key

Follow the instructions here to obtain a Pexels API key. Replace YOUR_PEXELS_API_KEY with your actual Pexels API key.

Get a Giphy API Key

Follow the instructions here to obtain a Giphy API key. Replace YOUR_GIPHY_API_KEY with your actual Giphy API key.

Interacting with the SDK

The Video Editor UI utilizes the Rendley SDK under the hood, exposing it as a custom method. You can access the Engine class as soon as the UI is ready.

Once you have access to the Engine class, you can interact with the SDK, including adding listeners, deserializing or serializing projects, and more.

// Get the video editor element
let rendleyTemplateElement = document.getElementById("rendley");

// Listen for render success and error events
rendleyTemplateElement.addEventListener("onRenderSuccess", (blobUrl) => {
  // Handle render success
rendleyTemplateElement.addEventListener("onRenderError", (message) => {
  // Handle render error

// Listen for other events and interact with the engine
rendleyTemplateElement.addEventListener("onReady", async () => {
  const Engine = await rendleyTemplateElement.getEngine();

  // Example event handling
  Engine.getInstance().events.on("library:added", (mediaDataId) => {
    // Handle library added event


It is crucial to access the Engine class only after the onReady event has confirmed that the video editor is loaded.


The free version of the Video Editor UI is not highly customizable, and you may find limited options for altering the display of elements.


To overcome the limitations of the free version, consider purchasing the source code of the Video Editor UI, which you can find here.