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Quick Start

Rendley SDK can be installed via npm, yarn, or pnpm.

npm install @rendley/sdk

Get a License

To use the SDK, you need a license. You can obtain one by visiting our website.

Initialize the Engine

import { Engine } from "@rendley/sdk";

const engine = Engine.getInstance().init({
  license: {
    licenseName: "YOUR_LICENSE_NAME",
    licenseKey: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY",
  display: {
    width: 1080,
    height: 1920,
    backgroundColor: "#000000",
    view: document.getElementById("myCanvas"),

First, replace YOUR_LICENSE_NAME and YOUR_LICENSE_KEY with your actual license details. Also, ensure that you set the correct canvas element in the view property.

If the Engine is initialized correctly, the canvas should turn black and have dimensions of 1080x1920. If not, verify that the canvas element is referenced correctly.