A class that is responsible for resolving mapping asset URLs to keys. At its most basic it can be used for Aliases:

resolver.add('foo', 'bar');
resolver.resolveUrl('foo') // => 'bar'

It can also be used to resolve the most appropriate asset for a given URL:

params: {
format: 'webp',
resolution: 2,

resolver.add('foo', ['bar@2x.webp', 'bar@2x.png', 'bar.webp', 'bar.png']);

resolver.resolveUrl('foo') // => 'bar@2x.webp'

Other features include:

  • Ability to process a manifest file to get the correct understanding of how to resolve all assets
  • Ability to add custom parsers for specific file types
  • Ability to add custom prefer rules

This class only cares about the URL, not the loading of the asset itself.

It is not intended that this class is created by developers - its part of the Asset class This is the third major system of PixiJS' main Assets class




  • get basePath(): string
  • Returns string

  • set basePath(basePath: string): void
  • Set the base path to prepend to all urls when resolving


    • basePath: string

      the base path to use

    Returns void

    resolver.basePath = 'https://home.com/';
    resolver.add('foo', 'bar.ong');
    resolver.resolveUrl('foo', 'bar.png'); // => 'https://home.com/bar.png'
  • get parsers(): ResolveURLParser[]
  • All the active URL parsers that help the parser to extract information and create an asset object-based on parsing the URL itself.

    Can be added using the extensions API

    Returns ResolveURLParser[]

    resolver.add('foo', [
    resolution: 2,
    format: 'png',
    src: 'image@2x.png',
    src: 'image.png',

    // With a url parser the information such as resolution and file format could extracted from the url itself:
    extension: ExtensionType.ResolveParser,
    test: loadTextures.test, // test if url ends in an image
    parse: (value: string) =>
    resolution: parseFloat(settings.RETINA_PREFIX.exec(value)?.[1] ?? '1'),
    format: value.split('.').pop(),
    src: value,

    // Now resolution and format can be extracted from the url
    resolver.add('foo', [
  • get rootPath(): string
  • Returns string

  • set rootPath(rootPath: string): void
  • Set the root path for root-relative URLs. By default the basePath's root is used. If no basePath is set, then the default value for browsers is window.location.origin


    • rootPath: string

      the root path to use

    Returns void

    // Application hosted on https://home.com/some-path/index.html
    resolver.basePath = 'https://home.com/some-path/';
    resolver.rootPath = 'https://home.com/';
    resolver.add('foo', '/bar.png');
    resolver.resolveUrl('foo', '/bar.png'); // => 'https://home.com/bar.png'


  • Parameters

    • a: ArrayOr<string>
    • Optionals: AssetSrc
    • Optionald: unknown
    • Optionalf: string
    • Optionallp: string

    Returns void

  • Tells the resolver what keys are associated with witch asset. The most important thing the resolver does


    Returns void

    // Single key, single asset:
    resolver.add({alias: 'foo', src: 'bar.png');
    resolver.resolveUrl('foo') // => 'bar.png'

    // Multiple keys, single asset:
    resolver.add({alias: ['foo', 'boo'], src: 'bar.png'});
    resolver.resolveUrl('foo') // => 'bar.png'
    resolver.resolveUrl('boo') // => 'bar.png'

    // Multiple keys, multiple assets:
    resolver.add({alias: ['foo', 'boo'], src: ['bar.png', 'bar.webp']});
    resolver.resolveUrl('foo') // => 'bar.png'

    // Add custom data attached to the resolver
    alias: 'bunnyBooBooSmooth',
    src: 'bunny{png,webp}',
    data: { scaleMode:SCALE_MODES.NEAREST }, // Base texture options

    resolver.resolve('bunnyBooBooSmooth') // => { src: 'bunny.png', data: { scaleMode: SCALE_MODES.NEAREST } }
  • This adds a bundle of assets in one go so that you can resolve them as a group. For example you could add a bundle for each screen in you pixi app


    • bundleId: string

      The id of the bundle to add

    • assets: UnresolvedAsset<any>[] | Record<string, ArrayOr<string> | UnresolvedAssetObject>

      A record of the asset or assets that will be chosen from when loading via the specified key

    Returns void

    resolver.addBundle('animals', {
    bunny: 'bunny.png',
    chicken: 'chicken.png',
    thumper: 'thumper.png',

    const resolvedAssets = await resolver.resolveBundle('animals');
  • Add a manifest to the asset resolver. This is a nice way to add all the asset information in one go. generally a manifest would be built using a tool.


    Returns void

  • Returns the aliases for a given asset


    Returns string[]

  • Checks if a bundle with the given key exists in the resolver


    • key: string

      The key of the bundle

    Returns boolean

  • Checks if an asset with a given key exists in the resolver


    • key: string

      The key of the asset

    Returns boolean

  • Let the resolver know which assets you prefer to use when resolving assets. Multiple prefer user defined rules can be added.


    Returns void

    // first look for something with the correct format, and then then correct resolution
    priority: ['format', 'resolution'],
    format:'webp', // prefer webp images
    resolution: 2, // prefer a resolution of 2
    resolver.add('foo', ['bar@2x.webp', 'bar@2x.png', 'bar.webp', 'bar.png']);
    resolver.resolveUrl('foo') // => 'bar@2x.webp'
  • Used for testing, this resets the resolver to its initial state

    Returns void

  • Resolves each key in the list to an asset object. Another key function of the resolver! After adding all the various key/asset pairs. this will run the logic of finding which asset to return based on any preferences set using the prefer function by default the same key passed in will be returned if nothing is matched by the resolver.


    • keys: string

      key or keys to resolve

    Returns ResolvedAsset<any>

    • the resolve asset or a hash of resolve assets for each key specified
    resolver.add('boo', 'bunny.png');

    resolver.resolve('boo') // => { src: 'bunny.png' }

    // Will return the same string as no key was added for this value..
    resolver.resolve('another-thing.png') // => { src: 'another-thing.png' }
  • Resolves each key in the list to an asset object. Another key function of the resolver! After adding all the various key/asset pairs. this will run the logic of finding which asset to return based on any preferences set using the prefer function by default the same key passed in will be returned if nothing is matched by the resolver.


    • keys: string[]

      key or keys to resolve

    Returns Record<string, ResolvedAsset<any>>

    • the resolve asset or a hash of resolve assets for each key specified
    resolver.add('boo', 'bunny.png');

    resolver.resolve('boo') // => { src: 'bunny.png' }

    // Will return the same string as no key was added for this value..
    resolver.resolve('another-thing.png') // => { src: 'another-thing.png' }
  • If the resolver has had a manifest set via setManifest, this will return the assets urls for a given bundleId or bundleIds.


    • bundleIds: ArrayOr<string>

      The bundle ids to resolve

        | Record<string, ResolvedAsset<any>>
        | Record<string, Record<string, ResolvedAsset<any>>>

    All the bundles assets or a hash of assets for each bundle specified

    // Manifest Example
    const manifest = {
    bundles: [
    name: 'load-screen',
    assets: [
    alias: 'background',
    src: 'sunset.png',
    alias: 'bar',
    src: 'load-bar.{png,webp}',
    name: 'game-screen',
    assets: [
    alias: 'character',
    src: 'robot.png',
    alias: 'enemy',
    src: 'bad-guy.png',

    const resolved = resolver.resolveBundle('load-screen');
  • Does exactly what resolve does, but returns just the URL rather than the whole asset object


    • key: ArrayOr<string>

      The key or keys to resolve

    Returns string | Record<string, string>

    • The URLs associated with the key(s)
  • Override how the resolver deals with generating bundle ids. must be called before any bundles are added


    • bundleIdentifier: BundleIdentifierOptions

      the bundle identifier options

    Returns void

  • Sets the default URL search parameters for the URL resolver. The urls can be specified as a string or an object.


    • searchParams: string | Record<string, unknown>

      the default url parameters to append when resolving urls

    Returns void