Interface ResolvedAsset<T>

A fully resolved asset, with all the information needed to load it.


interface ResolvedAsset<T = any> {
    alias?: string[];
    data?: T;
    format?: string;
    loadParser?: string;
    name?: string[];
    src?: string;
    srcs?: string;
    [key: string]: any;

Type Parameters

  • T = any


  • [key: string]: any


alias?: string[]

Aliases associated with asset

data?: T

Optional data

format?: string

Format, usually the file extension

loadParser?: string

An override that will ensure that the asset is loaded with a specific parser

name?: string[]

Please use alias instead.

since 7.3.0

src?: string

The URL or relative path to the asset

srcs?: string

Please use src instead.

since 7.3.0