A framebuffer can be used to render contents off of the screen. PIXI.BaseRenderTexture uses one internally to render into itself. You can attach a depth or stencil buffer to a framebuffer.

On WebGL 2 machines, shaders can output to multiple textures simultaneously with GLSL 300 ES.




  • Parameters

    • width: number

      Width of the frame buffer

    • height: number

      Height of the frame buffer

    Returns Framebuffer


depth: boolean
dirtyFormat: number
dirtyId: number
dirtySize: number
disposeRunner: Runner<any, any[]>
glFramebuffers: {
    [key: string]: GLFramebuffer;

Type declaration

height: number

Height of framebuffer in pixels.

multisample: MSAA_QUALITY

Desired number of samples for antialiasing. 0 means AA should not be used.

Experimental WebGL2 feature, allows to use antialiasing in individual renderTextures. Antialiasing is the same as for main buffer with renderer antialias: true options. Seriously affects GPU memory consumption and GPU performance.


import { MSAA_QUALITY } from 'pixi.js';

renderTexture.framebuffer.multisample = MSAA_QUALITY.HIGH;
// ...
renderer.render(myContainer, { renderTexture });
renderer.framebuffer.blit(); // Copies data from MSAA framebuffer to texture


stencil: boolean
width: number

Width of framebuffer in pixels.



  • Add texture to the colorTexture array.


    Returns this

  • Add a depth texture to the frame buffer.


    Returns this

  • Destroys and removes the depth texture added to this framebuffer.

    Returns void

  • Disposes WebGL resources that are connected to this geometry.

    Returns void

  • Enable depth on the frame buffer.

    Returns this

  • Enable stencil on the frame buffer.

    Returns this

  • Resize the frame buffer


    • width: number

      Width of the frame buffer to resize to

    • height: number

      Height of the frame buffer to resize to

    Returns void

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