
Welcome to Rendley SDK, a Video Editing SDK designed for developers who want to create powerful and customizable video editing experiences in the browser.

Rendley SDK takes the complexity out of video editing by providing a comprehensive set of APIs that handle composition, effects, filters, playback, rendering, splitting, trimming, and more. With Rendley, you can focus on building innovative video editors, social media-style video editing experiences, text-to-video applications, or even integrate it with your own custom projects.

To further simplify the process, we have pre-built interfaces that allow you to embed our video editing capabilities onto your website with just a few lines of code.

To achieve maximum performance, we leverage WebGL for rendering and WebCodecs API for hardware-accelerated encoding and decoding. For browsers that don't support WebCodecs API (opens in a new tab), the SDK is able to render the video on a server.

What sets Rendley apart is its modular design, allowing you to extend it with your own custom filters, effects, transitions, storage providers, and more. This flexibility enables you to create unique video editing experiences that are tailored to your specific needs.

In the following sections, we'll dive deeper into the features, APIs, and use cases of Rendley SDK. Whether you're building a professional-grade video editor or a social media-style video editing experience, this documentation will guide you through the process of getting started with Rendley SDK.