Interface IImageBitmapResourceOptions

Options for ImageBitmapResource.


interface IImageBitmapResourceOptions {
    alphaMode?: ALPHA_MODES;
    autoLoad?: boolean;
    crossOrigin?: boolean;
    ownsImageBitmap?: boolean;


alphaMode?: ALPHA_MODES

Alpha mode used when creating the ImageBitmap.

autoLoad?: boolean

Start loading process automatically when constructed.

crossOrigin?: boolean

Load image using cross origin.

ownsImageBitmap?: boolean

Whether the underlying ImageBitmap is owned by the PIXI.ImageBitmapResource. When set to true, the underlying ImageBitmap will be disposed automatically when disposing PIXI.ImageBitmapResource. If this option is not set, whether it owns the underlying ImageBitmap is determained by the type of source used when constructing PIXI.ImageBitmapResource:

  • When source is ImageBitmap, the underlying ImageBitmap is not owned by default.
  • When source is string (a URL), the underlying ImageBitmap is owned by default.
