Interface CacheParser<T>

For every asset that is cached, it will call the parsers test function the flow is as follows:

  1. cacheParser.test(): Test the asset.
  2. cacheParser.getCacheableAssets(): If the test passes call the getCacheableAssets function with the asset

Useful if you want to add more than just a raw asset to the cache (for example a spritesheet will want to make all its sub textures easily accessible in the cache)


interface CacheParser<T = any> {
    config?: Record<string, any>;
    extension?: ExtensionMetadata;
    getCacheableAssets: (keys: string[], asset: T) => Record<string, any>;
    test: (asset: T) => boolean;

Type Parameters

  • T = any


config?: Record<string, any>

A config to adjust the parser

extension?: ExtensionMetadata
getCacheableAssets: (keys: string[], asset: T) => Record<string, any>

If the test passes, this function is called to get the cacheable assets an example may be that a spritesheet object will return all the sub textures it has so they can be cached.

Type declaration

    • (keys: string[], asset: T): Record<string, any>
    • Parameters

      • keys: string[]

        The keys to cache the assets under

      • asset: T

        The asset to get the cacheable assets from

      Returns Record<string, any>

      A key-value pair of cacheable assets

test: (asset: T) => boolean

Gets called by the cache when a dev caches an asset

Type declaration

    • (asset: T): boolean
    • Parameters

      • asset: T

        the asset to test

      Returns boolean