Class ViewableBuffer

Flexible wrapper around ArrayBuffer that also provides typed array views on demand.




  • Parameters

    • length: number

      The size of the buffer in bytes.

    Returns ViewableBuffer

  • Parameters

    • arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer

      The source array buffer.

    Returns ViewableBuffer


float32View: Float32Array

View on the raw binary data as a Float32Array.

rawBinaryData: ArrayBuffer

Underlying ArrayBuffer that holds all the data and is of capacity this.size.

size: number
uint32View: Uint32Array

View on the raw binary data as a Uint32Array.


  • get int16View(): Int16Array
  • View on the raw binary data as a Int16Array.

    Returns Int16Array

  • get int32View(): Int32Array
  • View on the raw binary data as a Int32Array.

    Returns Int32Array

  • get int8View(): Int8Array
  • View on the raw binary data as a Int8Array.

    Returns Int8Array

  • get uint16View(): Uint16Array
  • View on the raw binary data as a Uint16Array.

    Returns Uint16Array

  • get uint8View(): Uint8Array
  • View on the raw binary data as a Uint8Array.

    Returns Uint8Array


  • Destroys all buffer references. Do not use after calling this.

    Returns void

  • Returns the view of the given type.


    • type: string

      One of int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, and float32.

    Returns ITypedArray

    • typed array of given type
  • Parameters

    • type: string

    Returns number

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