Class Spritesheet<S>

Utility class for maintaining reference to a collection of Textures on a single Spritesheet.

To access a sprite sheet from your code you may pass its JSON data file to Pixi's loader:

import { Assets } from 'pixi.js';

const sheet = await Assets.load('images/spritesheet.json');

Alternately, you may circumvent the loader by instantiating the Spritesheet directly:

import { Spritesheet } from 'pixi.js';

const sheet = new Spritesheet(texture, spritesheetData);
await sheet.parse();
console.log('Spritesheet ready to use!');

With the sheet.textures you can create Sprite objects, and sheet.animations can be used to create an AnimatedSprite.

Here's an example of a sprite sheet JSON data file:

"frames": {
"frame": {"x":103,"y":1,"w":32,"h":32},
"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":0,"w":32,"h":32},
"sourceSize": {"w":32,"h":32},
"anchor": {"x":16,"y":16}
"frame": {"x":103,"y":35,"w":32,"h":32},
"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":0,"w":32,"h":32},
"sourceSize": {"w":32,"h":32},
"anchor": {"x":16,"y":16}
"frame": {"x":1,"y":1,"w":100,"h":100},
"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":0,"w":100,"h":100},
"sourceSize": {"w":100,"h":100},
"anchor": {"x":0,"y":0},
"borders": {"left":35,"top":35,"right":35,"bottom":35}

"animations": {
"enemy": ["enemy1.png","enemy2.png"]

"meta": {
"image": "sheet.png",
"format": "RGBA8888",
"size": {"w":136,"h":102},
"scale": "1"

Sprite sheets can be packed using tools like|TexturePacker,|Shoebox or|Spritesheet.js. Default anchor points (see PIXI.Texture#defaultAnchor), default 9-slice borders (see PIXI.Texture#defaultBorders) and grouping of animation sprites are currently only supported by TexturePacker.

Alternative ways for loading spritesheet image if you need more control:

import { Assets } from 'pixi.js';

const sheetTexture = await Assets.load('images/spritesheet.png');
alias: 'atlas',
src: 'images/spritesheet.json'
data: {texture: sheetTexture} // using of preloaded texture
const sheet = await Assets.load('atlas')


import { Assets } from 'pixi.js';

alias: 'atlas',
src: 'images/spritesheet.json'
data: {imageFilename: 'my-spritesheet.2x.avif'} // using of custom filename located in "images/my-spritesheet.2x.avif"
const sheet = await Assets.load('atlas')


Type Parameters



animations: Record<keyof NonNullable<S["animations"]>, Texture<Resource>[]>

A map containing the textures for each animation. Can be used to create an PIXI.AnimatedSprite|AnimatedSprite:

import { AnimatedSprite } from 'pixi.js';

new AnimatedSprite(sheet.animations['anim_name']);

Reference to ths source texture.

cachePrefix: string

Prefix string to add to global cache

data: S

Reference to the original JSON data.

linkedSheets: Spritesheet<S>[]

For multi-packed spritesheets, this contains a reference to all the other spritesheets it depends on.

resolution: number

The resolution of the spritesheet.

textures: Record<keyof S["frames"], Texture<Resource>>

A map containing all textures of the sprite sheet. Can be used to create a PIXI.Sprite|Sprite:

import { Sprite } from 'pixi.js';

new Sprite(sheet.textures['image.png']);

The maximum number of Textures to build per process.


  • Destroy Spritesheet and don't use after this.


    • OptionaldestroyBase: boolean

      Whether to destroy the base texture as well

    Returns void

  • Parser spritesheet from loaded data. This is done asynchronously to prevent creating too many Texture within a single process.

    Returns Promise<Dict<Texture<Resource>>>
