Class RenderTextureSystem

System plugin to the renderer to manage render textures.

Should be added after FramebufferSystem


The RenderTextureSystem holds a sourceFrame → destinationFrame projection. The following table explains the different coordinate spaces used:

Frame Description Coordinate System
sourceFrame The rectangle inside of which display-objects are being rendered World Space: The origin on the top-left
destinationFrame The rectangle in the render-target (canvas or texture) into which contents should be rendered If rendering to the canvas, this is in screen space and the origin is on the top-left. If rendering to a render-texture, this is in its base-texture's space with the origin on the bottom-left.
viewportFrame The framebuffer viewport corresponding to the destination-frame Window Coordinates: The origin is always on the bottom-left.






current: null | RenderTexture

Render texture currently bound. {@code null} if rendering to the canvas.

defaultMaskStack: MaskData[]

List of masks for the PIXI.StencilSystem.

destinationFrame: Rectangle

The destination frame for the render-target's projection mapping.

See PIXI.ProjectionSystem#destinationFrame for more details.

sourceFrame: Rectangle

The source frame for the render-target's projection mapping.

See PIXI.ProjectionSystem#sourceFrame for more details

viewportFrame: Rectangle

The viewport frame for the render-target's viewport binding. This is equal to the destination-frame for render-textures, while it is y-flipped when rendering to the screen (i.e. its origin is always on the bottom-left).


  • Bind the current render texture.


    • Optional renderTexture: RenderTexture

      RenderTexture to bind, by default its null - the screen.

    • Optional sourceFrame: Rectangle

      Part of world that is mapped to the renderTexture.

    • Optional destinationFrame: Rectangle

      Part of renderTexture, by default it has the same size as sourceFrame.

    Returns void

  • Erases the render texture and fills the drawing area with a colour.


    • Optional clearColor: ColorSource

      The color as rgba, default to use the renderer backgroundColor

    • Optional mask: BUFFER_BITS

      Bitwise OR of masks that indicate the buffers to be cleared, by default COLOR and DEPTH buffers.

    Returns void

  • Generic destroy methods to be overridden by the subclass

    Returns void

  • Resets render-texture state.

    Returns void

  • Returns void

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