Helper class to create a WebGL Program



  • Makes a new Pixi program.


    • program: WebGLProgram

      webgl program

    • uniformData: { [key: string]: IGLUniformData }


    Returns GLProgram


program: WebGLProgram

The shader program.

uniformBufferBindings: Dict<any>

A hash that stores where UBOs are bound to on the program.

uniformData: Dict<any>

Holds the uniform data which contains uniform locations and current uniform values used for caching and preventing unneeded GPU commands.

uniformDirtyGroups: Dict<any>

A place where dirty ticks are stored for groups If a tick here does not match with the Higher level Programs tick, it means we should re upload the data.

uniformGroups: Dict<any>

UniformGroups holds the various upload functions for the shader. Each uniform group and program have a unique upload function generated.

uniformSync: Dict<any>

A hash for lazily-generated uniform uploading functions.


  • Destroys this program.

    Returns void