The event boundary which manages this event. Propagation can only occur within the boundary's jurisdiction.
Whether the "alt" key was pressed when this mouse event occurred.
AT_Flags whether this event bubbles. This will take effect only if it is set before propagation.
BUBBLING_The specific button that was pressed in this mouse event.
The button depressed when this event occurred.
cancelableFlags whether this event can be canceled using PIXI.FederatedEvent.preventDefault. This is always false (for now).
CAPTURING_The coordinates of the mouse event relative to the canvas.
composedFlag added for compatibility with DOM {@code Event}. It is not used in the Federated Events API.
Whether the "control" key was pressed when this mouse event occurred.
The listeners of the event target that are being notified.
Flags whether the default response of the user agent was prevent through this event.
This is the number of clicks that occurs in 200ms/click of each other.
The propagation phase.
The pointer coordinates in world space.
Flags whether this is a user-trusted event
The coordinates of the evnet relative to the nearest DOM layer. This is a non-standard property.
managerThe PIXI.EventBoundary that manages this event. Null for root events.
Whether the "meta" key was pressed when this mouse event occurred.
The movement in this pointer relative to the last mousemove
The native event that caused the foremost original event.
NONEThe offset of the pointer coordinates w.r.t. target DisplayObject in world space. This is not supported at the moment.
The original event that caused this event, if any.
The coordinates of the event relative to the DOM document. This is a non-standard property.
The composed path of the event's propagation. The {@code target} is at the end.
Flags whether propagation was immediately stopped.
Flags whether propagation was stopped.
This is currently not implemented in the Federated Events API.
The pointer coordinates in the renderer's PIXI.Renderer.screen screen. This has slightly different semantics than native PointerEvent screenX/screenY.
Whether the "shift" key was pressed when this mouse event occurred.
The event target that this will be dispatched to.
The timestamp of when the event was created.
The type of event, e.g. {@code "mouseup"}.
The global Window object.
Not supported.
Fallback for the deprecated @code{}.
The pointer coordinates in the renderer's screen. Alias for {@code screen.x}.
The pointer coordinates in the renderer's screen. Alias for {@code screen.y}.
Alias for PIXI.FederatedMouseEvent.clientX this.clientX.
Alias for PIXI.FederatedMouseEvent.clientY this.clientY.
The propagation path for this event. Alias for PIXI.EventBoundary.propagationPath.
This will return the local coordinates of the specified displayObject for this InteractionData
The DisplayObject that you would like the local coords off
point: PA Point object in which to store the value, optional (otherwise will create a new point)
globalPos: IPointDataA Point object containing your custom global coords, optional (otherwise will use the current global coords)
Not supported.
Unimplemented method included for implementing the DOM interface {@code UIEvent}. It will throw an {@code Error}.
_bubblesArg: booleanOptional
_cancelableArg: booleanOptional
_viewArg: null | WindowOptional
_detailArg: number
A PIXI.FederatedEvent for mouse events.