This class provides renderer-specific plugins for exporting content from a renderer. For instance, these plugins can be used for saving an Image, Canvas element or for exporting the raw image data (pixels).

Do not instantiate these plugins directly. It is available from the renderer.extract property.


import { Application, Graphics } from 'pixi.js';

// Create a new application (extract will be auto-added to renderer)
const app = new Application();

// Draw a red circle
const graphics = new Graphics()
.drawCircle(0, 0, 50);

// Render the graphics as an HTMLImageElement
const image = await app.renderer.extract.image(graphics);





  • Parameters

    • renderer: Renderer

      A reference to the current renderer

    Returns Extract


  • Will return a base64 encoded string of this target. It works by calling Extract.canvas and then running toDataURL on that.


    • Optional target: DisplayObject | RenderTexture

      A displayObject or renderTexture to convert. If left empty will use the main renderer

    • Optional format: string

      Image format, e.g. "image/jpeg" or "image/webp".

    • Optional quality: number

      JPEG or Webp compression from 0 to 1. Default is 0.92.

    • Optional frame: Rectangle

      The frame the extraction is restricted to.

    Returns Promise<string>

    • A base64 encoded string of the texture.
  • Creates a Canvas element, renders this target to it and then returns it.


    • Optional target: DisplayObject | RenderTexture

      A displayObject or renderTexture to convert. If left empty will use the main renderer

    • Optional frame: Rectangle

      The frame the extraction is restricted to.

    Returns ICanvas

    • A Canvas element with the texture rendered on.
  • Destroys the extract.

    Returns void

  • Will return a HTML Image of the target


    • Optional target: DisplayObject | RenderTexture

      A displayObject or renderTexture to convert. If left empty will use the main renderer

    • Optional format: string

      Image format, e.g. "image/jpeg" or "image/webp".

    • Optional quality: number

      JPEG or Webp compression from 0 to 1. Default is 0.92.

    • Optional frame: Rectangle

      The frame the extraction is restricted to.

    Returns Promise<HTMLImageElement>

    • HTML Image of the target
  • Will return a one-dimensional array containing the pixel data of the entire texture in RGBA order, with integer values between 0 and 255 (included).


    • Optional target: DisplayObject | RenderTexture

      A displayObject or renderTexture to convert. If left empty will use the main renderer

    • Optional frame: Rectangle

      The frame the extraction is restricted to.

    Returns Uint8Array

    • One-dimensional array containing the pixel data of the entire texture

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