Class CompressedTextureResource

Resource for compressed texture formats, as follows: S3TC/DXTn (& their sRGB formats), ATC, ASTC, ETC 1/2, PVRTC, BPTC (BC6H, BC7).

Compressed textures improve performance when rendering is texture-bound. The texture data stays compressed in graphics memory, increasing memory locality and speeding up texture fetches. These formats can also be used to store more detail in the same amount of memory.

For most developers, container file formats are a better abstraction instead of directly handling raw texture data. PixiJS provides native support for the following texture file formats (via PIXI.loadBasis, PIXI.loadKTX, and PIXI.loadDDS):

.dds - the DirectDraw Surface file format stores DXTn (DXT-1,3,5) data. See PIXI.parseDDS .ktx - the Khronos Texture Container file format supports storing all the supported WebGL compression formats. See PIXI.parseKTX. .basis - the BASIS supercompressed file format stores texture data in an internal format that is transcoded to the compression format supported on the device at runtime. It also supports transcoding into a uncompressed format as a fallback; you must install the @pixi/basis-loader, @pixi/basis-transcoder packages separately to use these files. See PIXI.BasisParser.

The loaders for the aforementioned formats use CompressedTextureResource internally. It is strongly suggested that they be used instead.

Since CompressedTextureResource inherits BlobResource, you can provide it a URL pointing to a file containing the raw texture data (with no file headers!):

import { CompressedTextureResource, INTERNAL_FORMATS } from '@pixi/compressed-textures';
import { BaseTexture, Texture, ALPHA_MODES } from 'pixi.js';

// The resource backing the texture data for your textures.
// NOTE: You can also provide a ArrayBufferView instead of a URL. This is used when loading data from a container file
// format such as KTX, DDS, or BASIS.
const compressedResource = new CompressedTextureResource('bunny.dxt5', {
width: 256,
height: 256,

// You can create a base-texture to the cache, so that future `Texture`s can be created using the `Texture.from` API.
const baseTexture = new BaseTexture(compressedResource, { pmaMode: ALPHA_MODES.NPM });

// Create a Texture to add to the TextureCache
const texture = new Texture(baseTexture);

// Add baseTexture & texture to the global texture cache
BaseTexture.addToCache(baseTexture, 'bunny.dxt5');
Texture.addToCache(texture, 'bunny.dxt5');


Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • Parameters

    • source: string | BufferType

      the buffer/URL holding the compressed texture data

    • options: ICompressedTextureResourceOptions
      • format

        the compression format

      • width

        the image width in pixels.

      • height

        the image height in pixels.

      • level

        the mipmap levels stored in the compressed texture, including level 0.

      • levelBuffers

        the buffers for each mipmap level. CompressedTextureResource can allows you to pass null for source, for cases where each level is stored in non-contiguous memory.

    Returns CompressedTextureResource


The data of this resource.

destroyed: boolean

If resource has been destroyed.


The compression format

internal: boolean

true if resource is created by BaseTexture useful for doing cleanup with BaseTexture destroy and not cleaning up resources that were created externally.

levels: number

The number of mipmap levels stored in the resource buffer.

src: string

The url of the resource

unpackAlignment: 1 | 2 | 4 | 8

The alignment of the rows in the data.


  • get height(): number
  • The height of the resource.

    Returns number

  • get valid(): boolean
  • Has been validated

    Returns boolean

  • get width(): number
  • The width of the resource.

    Returns number


  • Call when destroying resource, unbind any BaseTexture object before calling this method, as reference counts are maintained internally.

    Returns void

  • Destroy and don't use after this.

    Returns void

  • Trigger a resize event


    • width: number

      X dimension

    • height: number

      Y dimension

    Returns void

  • Has been updated trigger event.

    Returns void

  • Used to auto-detect the type of resource.


    • source: unknown

      The source object

    Returns source is BufferType

    true if buffer source